Linggo, Enero 12, 2014

Hiring New Lectors and Commentators @ St. Joseph the Worker Parish

By: Rodrigo Sumuob Jr.

The St. Joseph the worker Parish hired almost 50 new lectors and commentators last January 12, 2013 and I was there to renew my service. The new LecCom attended the Sending Forth, because that was one of the requirements to be an official proclaimer's of the Word of God.

Lectors at the St. Joseph serve the parish by proclaiming the Word of God during regular days and Sunday Mass and for special liturgical events, such as our Music Service before the night Mass on Christmas Eve.
Parishioners who want to proclaim the Word at the PARISH should have a strong speaking voice and a prayerful attitude toward the Scriptures. New lectors receive a brief orientation to prepare them to be an active part of the Liturgy of the Word and to acclimate them to the use of the church's sound system. Lectors are scheduled according to the week they assigned to proclaim at the Mass of their choice (from 6:00 to 5:15pm).

As in the other ministries here at the Parish, we welcome new parishioners to become involved and to use their gifts in service to the parish community.

The Lector's and Commentator's Ministry states the helpful reminders about Lectoring:

  1. Practice your Readings prior to coming to Mass.
  2. If you cannot assist at the Mass you are scheduled for contact your Group leader.
  3. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass starts
  4. We are currently in Year A of the Lectionary Cycle
  5. The First Reading is done immediately after the Opening Prayer (remember in Advent and Lent this comes earlier in the Mass since there is no Gloria)
  6. If there is no music minister, the person proclaiming the First Reading should lead the Responsorial Psalm.
  7. The Intercessions occur after the Nicene Creed, as a guide, listen for the words "We believe in the Holy Spirit"

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